It appears that you have typed in the IP address This address is within the designated private IP range. It is not reachable from the wider internet and is used within local networks, such as home WiFi networks or other internal networks. Check out how to admin using IP Address.

How to Login to Admin Console?

To login to the admin console using, follow these mentioned below steps:

Login to Admin Console

After the login; you can make multiple changes such as WiFi password change, WiFi SSID change. Let’s move on towards all these changes.

How to Change WiFi SSID & Password?

One of the simple tasks is changing the WiFi password using the IP

And this is how you customize the SSID & Password. Let’s move on and go through with the brand names using IP

Which Brands Uses IP

There are many brands which uses this IP Address for networking devices. You can use this IP Address to login to the admin console. Let’s go through with the brand names that use this IP:

These are some brands using this IP. With the help of this IP; you can even update the firmware. Firmware update is required when it is corrupted or new update is available.

How to Update Firmware?

Follow these steps to update the firmware of your router/extender:

And by following these steps your firmware will be updated. If you face any trouble in accessing the IP, then should go through with these troubleshooting tips.

Troubleshooting Tips

These are some tips for you to follow, if you stuck while accessing the IP.

Use Correct IP Address

Never Use Out-dated Browser

An out-dated web browser can create a problem, like an IP address which is not answering or working. You must so use a web browser that has been updated. To update, open your browser, select the “About tab” under Settings, and then click the UPDATE button.

Disable Antivirus and AD-Blocker Temporary

The admin login procedure may be hindered by the antivirus software on your PC or laptop and the ad blocker in your browser. As a result, turn them off for the time being. You can turn them on after your networking equipment is configured.

Restart Device If IP Not Responding

Perhaps rebooting the device will fix the error:

We have gathered all the information we could about the IP

Disclaimer: We hereby disclaim ownership of any product and any association, affiliation or representation in any form, of any brand, product or service. All the information provided here has been drafted after a thorough research and regularly undergo reviews and updates.